the Indian
Public Trust Act. 1882 (Reg. No. IV-1903-02190/2017)
This is a
fastest growing Educational organization which is working in Multi Category Education.
Like, Computer Education, Vocational / ITI Education, Medical & Health Care
Education, Business & Management Education, School and Madrasa Education
and much more which is approved by the Govt. of India as follows:
? NCT PD New Delhi, Govt. of India & Registered under NCT Department of
Labour Govt. of Delhi
? Empanelled Under NPS - Planning Commission & MSME Govt. of India
? Member of All India Council & National Institute, Alternative Medical
? Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), AICTSD, NITTSD
? ISO 9001 : 2015 IT Training Academy & ISO 21001 : 2018
? Pledge Certified CVC, NHRC, WHR Govt. of India etc.
PJNEI is a Great Opportunity of India for everyone which is moving forward
with a large scale in every corner of India by 3 Types of Trees of Man-Power. 1st Unlimited Study Center. 2nd 6 Types of Coordinator. 3rd
Unlimited Member, from any society’s
family of India. They can provide the Higher Education, Multi Skill &
Health Services to themselves and their Children at nominal fee & discount, also they can lead educational, wealthy and happy life through this PJNEI organization.